Astrid Lindgren park


The starting point to Astrid Lindgrens world ...
... where Pippi Longstocking lives in "Villa Kulla" and Emils Katthult is ... and all other persons which are been thought by Astrid Lindgren. Everything is build on scale, as child you go through the big human world. Astrid Lindgrens world is especially built for children, but adults can also have a lot of fun there. Astrid Lindgrens world (Pippi Longstocking,   Emil, Ronja) on a distance of 18 km.

Astrid Lindgrens Näs

You can see the house where Astrid has lived. Here she climbed as child in the lemonade tree.


Here is the film shot off Emil off Lönneberge. For the person who don't know Emil , it is nice to go there.


Is also a book and film from Astrid Lindgren. You can also think about: houses North, Middle, and South. There are living three families and there children and they are playing with each other. As child you can experience their adventures and you can look at the filmset.

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