Walking in the nature

To walk

On the campsite we have a card with walking routes / paths in different sizes: 
2½ , 5 and 10 km.

You can start at the campsite with Höglandsleden or Sevedeleden. http://www.samenland.nl/zwe_smaland_west.html#Höglandsleden

Sevedeleden (start Spilhammars camping)

It is also possible to go for a walk in 3 stages from the campsite. You can rent a place or cottage on the campsite, and walk one stage every day. We can bring you and pick you up, so you can stay on the same place at the campsite. 
This is possible during low season (1 May -15 Juni/20 Aug -30 sept)

If you want to use this service, please contact us before.

Skurugata (Hult)


Skrole hie (Brussaholm)

The long flat rock ground with pine forest, and the steep gorge along the stream at Stuverydsbäcken has very high biological values. It is unique due to the high and constant atmospheric humidity in the gorge, which makes many rare plant and animal species thrive. The running stream also has a natural trout population. Near the parking lot you will find Skrôle hie. 

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